Friday, July 23, 2010

Art on a rainy day

The polished royal palm seeds tumbling to earth, offer us an inspiring carpet of colors. Awaiting sprouting, the sunlight gives them nuances of green, brown and black to the delight of our children. We gathered a few seeds in our little straw basket and enjoyed shaping this little design.

On large watercolor paper the boys decided to get creative with their paint brushes. The inspiration from the rain is obvious.  Sania's painting above and Sasha's below.


  1. What lovely artwork you have done! You have a cute little blog, glad I stopped by. I have 2 girls and I do regular crafts, activities, etc. with them. Stop by and say hello! Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures.
    Blessings, Jill

  2. Wonderful seed pattern and painting. cheers Marie

  3. the writing, too:) is that an ergo i spy in your profile pic? :)
    glad to have found you...have a lovely weekend:) ::hugs::

  4. beautiful art mama!
    your family is beautiful xoxo

  5. So beautiful. Earth flowers and rainbow rain.

  6. Thanks for saying hello on my blog. I've enjoyed looking at yours too! All the best, Maribeth

  7. Thank you Kelly! Just the way you see it.

  8. You are so sweet Nicole, thanks!

  9. Thank you Rebecca for your kind comments. Yes it is an ergo. I used my Maya for the early years and then switched to the ergo carrier when my children got bigger. I never used a stroller. My babes were always in my arms!
