Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Narnia Ship

The Chronicles of Narnia book series written by CS Louis, has taken myself and the children into a world of fantasy and adventure.  I have enjoyed reading them as much as they have, it's been hard to put the books down.

Chronicals of Narnia

The books sparked much creativity and the building of this wonderful ship.  We have no craft materials with us in France just yet so the children are finding whatever they can to be creative with.  We've received some packages in cardboard boxes which have been used for their making of their Narnia ship and a castle. The figures were made from Stockmar beeswax.

Lights for the bowsprit
The ship journeys across many oceans and needs light on the bowsprit.

Adding the ropes

The mast made from a stick they found along with matchstick railings, ropes and windows embellished the ship.  Ladders were constructed to climb from the lower deck to the upper deck with sticks and cardboard.

Lifting the sail for still waters

Ship AHOY!  Adding the sail from some material, completed the project, ready for its journey to the faraway islands.

Sailing the boat in the ocean

A blue sheet became the deep dark blue ocean for the ship to sail in search of land.

Bows and swords

They carved many bows and arrows from bendable sticks they found in the nearby woods.  The boys cleaned them up and sharpened their arrows with their knives.  They are good strong weapons.

Narnian with his torch

A Narnian character from the book, there were many more but went to battle.

Sania testing the string of his bow

We have some keen young Archers.

Sasha practicing with a friend's bow and arrow

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Double Blessing

Dylan and Chloe a few days old

On the 14th June 2012, I was blessed with two beautiful little babies.

My midwife recommended an amazing doctor who helped me birth my babies, vaginally and unmedicated.  My labor was a difficult 7 hours.  We, myself and my family, were given a room to labor in without hospital interference. The hospital staff were wonderful. My amazing husband stood beside me throughout.  My midwifes, Mary and Dana supported me throughout my pregnancy, birth and postpartum.  I was truly blessed.

Ready for the birth

My doctor welcomed Sasha and Sania to be a part of the birth experience.

Chloe - First Smiles

Chloe was born at 6.50 pm.


And Dylan 7.01, 11 minutes after.  We only stayed at the hospital for 35 hours, then home for comfort and cuddles.

Bath Time

What joy they have brought to our family.

In the Sling Snuggling with Mama

Snuggling in the sling and Co-sleeping between the two.

Chubby Baby

Lots of mama's milkies.  They are both exclusively breastfed and gaining weight so fast.

My Angels

The best and sweetest big brothers ever.

Sania and Chloe

Sania loves to cuddle and play with them.

Nana with Chloe

What would I have done without Nana, my mom, to help.  She slept in my room for the first month and half and is still with us, helping with the babies, around the house and taking the big boys for adventures in the woods.

House in Provence

This is the house we are renting in the South of France, until we find the farm/ranch we are looking for.  We are enjoying the cool weather and the boys are happy to have nature in their back yard once again.  There is an abundance of vegetables, fruits and herbs from the potager so we have not had to buy any yet.  The boys are indulging in the raspberries, grapes and strawberries.

The Surroundings

Thank you all for your wonderful comments in the past.  I wish I could reply to all of you, yet my time is now dedicated to my rather large family nest :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Some News...

Our New house "Vitri"

We have moved from our big Sanctuary Finca Seraphina to the newly built modern house.  This lot had one palm tree on it when we began construction - we've planted over 1000 trees and about 2 thousand surrounding the property on the pastures below where we have our horses and cows.

Pool at Vitri

We moved much of the landscaping from Finca Seraphina, mostly planted as seedling. You can see how fast things grow in the tropics especially after the rainy season.  This house is still a bit warm but once the landscaping has grown it will be cool and lush.  A small sanctuary.

"Eitech Construction Vehicles"

Indoor time during the rainy season enticed the boys to engage in constructing these amazing Eitech vehicles.  Learning how to build cars and machines and how they work mechanically.  We bought one for Sasha for his birthday and they have now begun a collection of them.  Each vehicle can be dismantled and constructed into 3 other vehicles.

"Helicopter -Eitech Vehicles"
The helicopter has a small solar panel which turns the propellor.  They dismantled it and it became a small car that drove slowly by itself.

Wood Truck

This is a delivery truck Fabien helped the boys make from the left over wood used to make our new chicken house.  They are delivering small stones to make a path near their fort.

"Minka - Pony Foal"

Precious little Minka was born a few days ago.  The joys of spring bringing forth new birth.

"Lucy and her little Foal, Minka"

How she stands with stability just a few hours after birth.  As you can see by my belly that I to have been blessed.  Doubly...another son and a little princess.  Little Earthchildren!

"Knitting a Cotton Blanket and Booties"

Have been busy knitting away for my little peanuts.  More projects in the making.

More Booties

Doubly of course!! These turned out a bit large so will wait for those footsies to grow. I will have to buy some finer baby yarn when we head to Miami at the end of the month as I am 6 months pregnant next week and twins could come earlier although I plan to keep them in as long as I can...little me.

Miami is where I shall birth my little babes.  It won't be a home birth like I had with my sons.  Having twins, and at 40 classifies me as high risk so I will have my very first ever hospital experience.

Trail Riding

The boys out trail riding with dad and friends, soon to be neighbors.  I am teaching them about natural horsemanship and they will share the horses and the trails.  We are happy to find people that appreciate the land and love the animals as we do.

We plan to spend the Winter in the South of France looking for a farm, possibly Provence and keep a smaller place here as a second home.