Thursday, November 18, 2010

Autumn Flowers in the Tropics!


  1. Beautiful! So different from the late autumn we are experiencing here...

  2. your photos are so gorgeous! what an incredible landscape surrounds you there. i LOVE that little lantern!! ;)

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! I can really relate! I love the whisper of autumn in the tropics. You have to listen really close, and watch the minute details to be able to witness it. In my world, we watch the oak trees through the seasons, and there are nearly daily, and absolutely weekly changes in them through the year. It fascinates and enchants me.

  4. Fascinating, the shapes and colors decorating our planet. What you see every day is so different than what I see - how wonderful that the variety is endless, and so glorious. Your lanterns are wonderful, but I don't know what the boys are floating in the pool -

  5. It is so uplifting to see such beauty and colour at this time of year. Not that it isn't beautiful here, but it is nice to see how things differ across the world.
    I also loved your comment in a previous post about being television free for so long. We have only been v free for just over a year, but what a blessing that has been to everyone in our family.

  6. I see so much light and love in your beautiful pictures, dear friend. Light and love on many levels.
    Beautiful day to you and your gentle family.

  7. Beautiful! I love popping in to see a little bit of your world, so different from the snowy white that is outside our doors! Your lanterns are beautiful.

  8. Oh WOW! Those seed pods are just dreamy. So much potential in them, which your boys have clearly discovered!

  9. Beautiful photography of an amazing tropical garden - what a joy it much be to wake up in the mornings where you are and see these all around!
