Sunday, January 23, 2011

Giveaway Winner!

Thank you all for visiting my blog and participating in my giveaway.  I received such heartfelt messages of kindness and inspiration from all you wonderful bloggers!

Angelina from Organic Life Learning whose little girl Serra just turned six years old, was drawn out of the basket by Sasha and will be receiving our small gift.

A beautiful week to all!


  1. Hurray for Angelina!! If her daughter isn't already in love with ponies, I will sprout wings and become a gerfalcon. What a wonderful gift to have won. And truly? I'd feel so honored just knowing Sasha had my name in his hand. YAY for all!

  2. Congratulations to Angelina and Serra, who I would imagine are doing a celebratory happy dance :-)

    Blessings and light...

  3. Lucky Angelina and Serra. I've seen their beautiful blog and I think they are the perfect recipients for your lovely gift!
