Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Magical Webs

These cool winter evenings and much rain have brought in an unusually thick blanket of mist over the land.  The children are early risers and set out to explore the farm in the dark with a small torch light.  As the sun begins to shine and the mist slowly creeps away the magic begins to appear.

Spiders have intricately woven their webs in the trees, plants and grass.  The most spectacular designs present themselves, glistening with the tiny droplets of jeweled mist.

a cozy hammock

The delicate pink powder puff flower of the 'Mouribibi' thorn weed looks like those magical lights that softly glow and change colors. Note the tiny little webs.  When the tiny leaves are disturbed they fold up and close.

Layered webs beds, so thick and comfortably nestled between the branches of the citrus trees.

a work of art

Fungi and mushrooms are magical signs that the fairies have visited the area, dancing and prancing under the silver moon light surrounded by the dazzling fire flies and glow worms.


  1. I love the hammock. I have never seen a web like that.

  2. An entire world unfamiliar to us. I found a web outside in the dark at my father's place years ago. Just happened to turn on the flashlight - right before I'd have run into it. This was a massive thing - and I didn't see the spider, which is probably a good thing.

    Early morning, just before dawn - if there were ever a mystical portal, that's it. What possessed the boys to go out exploring in their familiar woods before the sun came up? The mist? The mist drew them out? The webs - such a serious bit of work, and so under our radar most of the time. And our own lives - what mist or odd condition might line our lives with beads of brightness so that the real shape of what is usually invisible might be seen so clearly?

    The flower. A leftover of Eden? I wonder if, in the untouched world, there were so many flowers, glowing like lights. How did you shoot it? The quality of the green is so delicate and odd.

    I am sighing. Thank you for this gift.

  3. Amazing photos that show the magic of nature. I find the patterns of spider webs fascinating and the lengths that some spiders go to to string up their webs. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Wow! So pretty.... When I was a kid, we had a spider that kept making a web right at the entrance of our little seating area. For a while, my mom took the web off with a broom every day, but the spider was persistent. He finally got a name, Egon, and his web was allowed to stay....

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central

  5. Kristen, my children are always up bright and early, sometimes 5am. They can't wait for us to get out of bed so they are out playing when it's still dark, usually around 6 or 6.30.

    At least it wasn't a tarantula. I used to have nightmares when we first moved here but they don't bother us much... the cats keep them away.

  6. It is remarkable how adding water to the palette has the ability to transform the already-beautiful creations of Mother Nature. Such stunning images. And the flowers, intertwined and bursting forth. Sigh.

  7. So wonderful that the boys are out playing in the early morning darkness. I love misty foggy mornings, we get them here sometimes, and of course all the time when I was growing up on the coast.

    Well I was actually just sitting down to write to you, I shall go do so now...

  8. My, such incredibly beautiful photos! I love the delicacy of the spider webs, holding the little droplets of dew. Takes my breath away! Happy New Year to you and your lovely family.

  9. Wow! The dew on those webs is just beautiful. My kids are late sleepers. It would be a rare day to have anyone up before dawn, but we also go to bed so very late. We're a little backwards maybe, but it also just seems to be the flow at our house. It is nice when we do get up early and get an early start on our day. I'm guessing it might be easier to get back into that once the littlest ones are a tad older...maybe. I love the photos of you and Fabian with the horses in your last post too...so beautiful


  10. Simply stunning photographs!

    Your blog is so inspiring and beautiful, I look forward to reading lots more.


  11. Such amazing beauty... you capture it wonderfully.

  12. Truly beautiful. How I loved each of these pictures and took my time really admiring the beauty therein. Thank you for these - lifts my spirits! My Leo would gladly join your boys on their early morning adventures. He is our family cockerel.
    Enjoy the rest of the week, dear friend.

  13. i miss early mornings outside. these are very pretty pictures. we are like lisa and have become late to bed late to wake. it all happened after going to california and getting set back on california time. now we've just had california family and next week california friends. we are enjoying a bit more rain here too on st. maarten! sat on the balcony at twilight and watched the rain come in. i love that.

  14. All rise early on the farm! The geese begin honking around 5am, then the cock, the children, the dogs, the cats...... I don't think my children have ever slept later than 7am.

    Our children are usually asleep at night around 7/7.30.

  15. What gorgeous photos you have made. Such careful SEEING to even decide to point the camera. I enjoy seeing another part of the world through your posts.

  16. I read a quote today that made me think so much of your blog and especially of these wonderful sparkling webs on your farm:

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.” ~ Albert Einstein

    I've been feeling a little weary these last couple of days and your blog and its everyday miracles has lifted my spirits, just as it always does.

  17. Interesting article, this is one of my favourite subjects and very close to my heart. LOL. I love keeping up to date on everything new so I will be bookmarking this site. Keep up the good work!

  18. This is amazing! I love dewy spiderwebs. We used to live in the mountains of Virginia, and on school mornings we would drive by meadows edged with fences. The fences would be spangled with thousand of silvery spiderwebs. It was beautiful. I love your blog and I'm going to put it on my bloglist. love, Beth

  19. They are glorious! Thank you for taking the time to notice and photograph them. The intricacies of nature never cease to amaze me.
