Saturday, August 3, 2013

A day on the farm in CA


The lilies began to flower after we moved onto the farm, showing their radiant colors.

Children's play house beyond the airstream
Children's play house beyond the airstream

We have not renovated the warehouse where the airstream will sleep in the future but for now it looks pretty alongside the garden.

Morning mist over our pond
Morning mist over our pond

I couldn't resist walking out into the garden on such an early misty morning.

Trying out their pony carriage
Trying out their pony carriage

Taking baby brother out for a pony ride.

Watching slugs!
Mesmerized by slippery slimy slugs

How the boys love to watch little creatures in their natural environment.

Our big babies!
Our big babies

"Gitane", pronounced with a j, means gypsy in French, the name we've given to this beautiful long maned Haflinger Pony. We are hoping to carriage ride her in the future.

The grass is always greener on the other side
The grass is always greener on the other side

Our other Haflinger pony, they found their way into the garden but not anymore we had the fence put up.

Loving the water
Loving the water!

Summer splashing.


  1. Hi Jeanene,
    i saw one of your comments on cath's blog. it had been a while since i came on this space. waw how amazing that you have found your new farm and the twins are already sooo big!!!
    congratulations !
    i am looking forward to reading your upcoming adventures :O)
    take care

  2. I am so happy to have found your blog again! I use to love visiting your space here, and was just thinking about it a couple days ago, but couldn't remember the address. Then, I happen to stumble upon it this evening. Funny how things like that happen!

    Congratulations on your new family additions, they are adorable!

    Looking forward to catching up on your blog and see what I have missed.
    Have a great week!

  3. Hi my dear friend
    It has been so long. Will write soon. Your new home is so beautiful. How big the boys have grown and the twins so beautiful! I am sure you will be very happy there. THe morning mist along the pond looks magical and so peaceful. And the ponies, oh my! Such beauties. Much love always!
    Love Kelly

  4. hi :)

    your new place looks so beautiful and peaceful! just right for you and your family!

    i was just wondering what happened to bella, the horse you've saved back in the dominican republic. did you take her with you?

  5. Everything is so nice on this blog!
    Thank you!

  6. Hi Cristina, we still have a farm in Dominican Rep. Our Canadian friends bought a part of it and they care for the horses. Bella continues to suffer from a tropical tick disease. She will always be a weak horse but at least enjoying the freedom of the wilderness. We could not bring the horses because of this problem. They are loved by my friends and we visit them.

  7. Oh my dear friend, I never saw these beautiful photographs. And your home, your farm!
    I was just beginning an email to you, which will hopefully be on it's way soon, I miss you!!! Love to all!!!
    Renee XOXOXOX

  8. I have missed so many posts here! Oh my, what a beautiful farm you get to call home! And your gorgeous children, how they have all grown. I am so happy that you have equine friends in your life again. Your haflingers are stunning! I love those crazy abundant manes :-)
