Friday, October 29, 2010

This Moment

Inspired by Amanda Soule

Our internet is very slow because we are having tropical rain storms so I'm posting a single photo of my precious little Sania


  1. Gorgeous photo! In response to your previous post, Thornton Burgess is a favorite of mine. I remember reading his books as a kid. Now, I'm happy to pass that on to my kids. My son is reading his first one, the one about Bob White.

  2. Wabi-Sabi WanderingsOctober 29, 2010 at 6:04 AM

    Such a beautiful child. That hair! Stunning curls :-)

  3. Oh please say hello to sweet Sania and Sasha from all of us. I am thinking of you lots, and definitely will write to you this weekend, because it feels like it's been a long time! Hope all is very well. Lots of love, xoxo

  4. Beautiful, amazing, so so precious!


  5. Oh, what is this fine young one thinking?!! So filled with beauty and light!
    xo Jules

  6. Stunning, isn't it, how beautiful children are? And why do boys always have the best hair and eyes. Unfair.

  7. Hello Jeanene

    Thank you so much for visiting. I have enjoyed every moment of reading your blog this morning. You look so settled... I admit to being an awful blogging friend to many of late. I had this wave of 'I don't want to do this anymore' come over me recently and I have pulled myself together and will continue. I too am admiring your beautiful crafting. Very inspiring indeed.

    Jeanene Have a fantastic day.. I hope to see a fairy door in your home soon
    Lots of love

  8. Your little one's photo reminds me of the John Lennon song we so gently sing to our children... Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful boy! xoxo

  9. Thank you for your comment on my blog- so nice to meet you! Beautiful photo- you have gorgeous children. Love your blog- I'll definitely come back! :)
