Monday, October 4, 2010


I haven't had good reception for uploading photos, so I'm a bit late for this post.

I would like to have created a little more for the children for Michaelmas but moving around and living out of our little airstream doesn't leave much time nor space for this.

I needle felted this little green dragon and arranged it on a lovely brown silk, along with some driftwood and dried pods we gathered from the beach in N. California.

We were invited to the Michaelmas festival at a Waldorf school in Ashland.  It was the first time my children had been amongst such a large group of children. Sania said he had never seen so many children before.

Each grade performed something special for the crowd.

The theme play for Michaelmas, taming of the dragon was beautifully played out by the children in grade Two.

An old photo from last year of my little knights flying their dragon kites we made.

I asked Sasha if he would like to go to school and he said he would never go anywhere without Sania or his mama.  A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with a young girl, Sasha's age at a camp site.  She was turning 8 in a couple of months and was already in grade 3.  She was sweet, confident and well spoken but she didn't seem to have that spark or play in her as young children her age should have.  All her days are spent at school, doing homework or participating in extra classes.  Her family only goes on vacation once a year and this is the only time she gets to really spend time with her little brother and play. It was hard for me to digest what this little girl told me.  How grateful I am that our family are able to enjoy our lives playfully together as one.


  1. Your needle felted dragon is wonderful Jeanene! A lovely Michaelmas celebration.
    I am so happy for our children to have this life of home and family and play!

  2. Dear Jeanene,
    You have needle felted the sweetest dragon, he is wonderful. I too am so grateful that we homeschool:)

  3. Hello dear Jeanene
    You created a beautiful dragon. I am so grateful too for the lives we live. How interesting for you all to attend a festival celebration with a waldorf school. I guess what strikes me with the school festivals is how planned and rehearsed the occasion is, whereas I think for homelearners these occasions happen more naturally, as a way of life. Did you find this? Happy travelling and exploring.

  4. oh, sometimes i dream of ashland. i would love to hear more of your experience there. should i move there? ;)

    your dragon is simply delightful!!

  5. Hi Kelly, I am always amazed at the imagination and creativity played out between my two children. I think this drama opens up more when there is more than one child in the family.

  6. Dear Rae, Ashland is a beautiful, liberal city, amazing in every way. Unfortunately it is doomed with the pollution of the neighboring town called Medford. Ashland lies in a valley with heat inversion, a very busy highway 5 with big trucks and the industrial pollution from Medford - I wonderful medley of unhealthy air...but the one of the nicest cities I've been to.

  7. Aaahhh, I've been out of the blogging loop for such a long tiem I have so much to catch up on!! I love reading through your awesome adventures you are all having!!! I have to agree with you on the schooling thing! No way am I going to let my two boys be in school for 8 hours a day and have homework! It seems so silly to me that this is seriously the norm???!!!! Crazy! And ONE vacation a year????!!! We go on mini vacations nearly every weekend! Anyways enough of me bla, bla, bla-ing, more reading to do!


  8. I have just discovered your blog and I am enjoying it so much! We are just starting the homeschooling journey, so this post is really inspiring to me. I can see that by choosing this slower, more intentional lifestyle, we are giving a real gift to our children.
