St. George and the people |
Two weeks before Michaelmas, this intimate little group of children from Spirit Mountain School made their new home on our farm. Several children participated in the play including the boys.
Our children have mostly been unschooled, with a Waldorf inspiration. We did a little lesson here and there but their learning has always been on and around the farm. With the arrival of the twins I have had little time to guide their learning so decided that a tutor might be needed. While searching around we came across Spirit Mountain school. They were looking for a new location and we offered the cottage in our home. They have settled in beautifully. Their teacher has enjoyed working in a Waldorf teaching environment and provides fun and creative days for the children. They are loving it and so am I.
The King and Villagers |
It was Sasha and Sania's very first play and they performed beautifully.
St. George fights the dragon |
Sasha was St. George and so proud of his part as he fights the Dragon.
Bowing at the end of the play |
The finale!
Tug of War |
Feats and courage of strength were displayed by many of the challenging games we had for the children. The children were to pass through the dragon swamp by stepping from log to log. We had a monkey swing and a slack line which crossed over hot lava. Balancing beams and the trampoline were fun. Tug of war was the most humorous of all feats and many went home with blisters on their hands.
The Dragon bread |
We all feasted on their fierce dragon bread and enjoyed a healthful potluck brought by all the families who visited. It was a lovely day.
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