Monday, August 9, 2010

Kapla Creations

My father in law was an architect in Paris. He has past on his talents to my wonderful husband who loves to design homes.

We are very fortunate to have Fabien at home with us all the time, we share all our meals together as a family reveling in wonderful conversation.

Most evenings the children spend time with their papa building homes, roads, bridges and towers with either Kapla, blocks or marble runs. These are few of the children's creations.  Kapla has been the favorite toy in our home.


  1. AWESOME creations. You've sold me, these blocks are going on my holiday list!

  2. Your boys are definitely creative and talented!

  3. Such wonderful constructions:)

  4. Oh we have Kapla and absolutely love them. They have been the best toy ever for rain day afternoons when we can not play outdoors. The kiddos have contests to see who can build the highest. Love some of your designs here ;)

  5. Wow!!! What amazing creative creations. I remember my boys when they were that age, they loved to build things. cheers Marie

  6. These creations are astounding! My children ALL love building with blocks. They'll even throw the Jenga blocks into the mix. But Kapla! Never heard of it before. I'm thinkin' that Kapla is getting added to our holiday gift list too :-)

  7. What wonderful creations- such great projects that your boys have made.

    My monkeys also love to create- with their blocks- I have always felt that it is important to let them keep their creations set up for long periods of time so that they can return to them and build on them-

    Thanks for sharing these photos- I will be showing them to my monkeys!

  8. What wonderful constructions. My eldest son (now almost 18yrs) first ever toy was a set of wooden blocks. We still have the set. Playing with bricks, the possibilities are endless.
    Lovely post Jeanene.

  9. How is it that I've never heard of Kapla? I'm looking them up right now! Amazing what children can do when they have the right tools or in this case, blocks, for the job!
    xo maureen

  10. All photographs show that kids had so much fun with those kapla and blocks.I must say that kids are so creative that they have done so many things with kapla.I can see in photographs.

  11. I love the kapla sets, and didn't realise you can buy them in the UK now! Did you know the name means "gnome planks" - I love that!

  12. These are such great creations & its always so sweet for me to watch daddy playing with the kids.

  13. they have been very busy with their kapla!! such clever little builders. ;)
