Dylan and Chloe a few days old |
On the 14th June 2012, I was blessed with two beautiful little babies.
My midwife recommended an amazing doctor who helped me birth my babies, vaginally and unmedicated. My labor was a difficult 7 hours. We, myself and my family, were given a room to labor in without hospital interference. The hospital staff were wonderful. My amazing husband stood beside me throughout. My midwifes, Mary and Dana supported me throughout my pregnancy, birth and postpartum. I was truly blessed.
Ready for the birth |
My doctor welcomed Sasha and Sania to be a part of the birth experience.
Chloe - First Smiles |
Chloe was born at 6.50 pm.
Dylan |
And Dylan 7.01, 11 minutes after. We only stayed at the hospital for 35 hours, then home for comfort and cuddles.
Bath Time |
What joy they have brought to our family.
In the Sling Snuggling with Mama |
Snuggling in the sling and Co-sleeping between the two.
Chubby Baby |
Lots of mama's milkies. They are both exclusively breastfed and gaining weight so fast.
My Angels |
The best and sweetest big brothers ever.
Sania and Chloe |
Sania loves to cuddle and play with them.
Nana with Chloe |
What would I have done without Nana, my mom, to help. She slept in my room for the first month and half and is still with us, helping with the babies, around the house and taking the big boys for adventures in the woods.
House in Provence |
This is the house we are renting in the South of France, until we find the farm/ranch we are looking for. We are enjoying the cool weather and the boys are happy to have nature in their back yard once again. There is an abundance of vegetables, fruits and herbs from the potager so we have not had to buy any yet. The boys are indulging in the raspberries, grapes and strawberries.
The Surroundings |
- Thank you all for your wonderful comments in the past. I wish I could reply to all of you, yet my time is now dedicated to my rather large family nest :)