It’s so beautiful out in the summer evenings. We went to collect herbs for tea when Sasha wanted to take my camera with him. He has a passion for taking pictures capturing his own version of moments. Close-ups of nature are his favorite.
What a beautiful experience watching him and his brother on their photographic adventure. Sania set up the props, of course the Mooses were center stage and Sasha took the photos. These are some photos I selected. I wish I could post them all.

A little moose became a part of my children's life when Sania found a moose in his christmas stocking 2 years ago. We didn't realize that this little plush toy had music inside and was played all the time, almost driving us crazy. We were almost considering helping with his disappearance. When the batteries ran out, I thought that was the end of Moose. It wasn't. He's become a part of our lives. Moose eats with us, sleeps with us, swims and baths with us. Moose enjoys BBQ's, driving in the children's graders. They make beautiful forts and find incredible treasures for him. Nothing is for the children, it's ALL for moose.

Sasha, my eldest, has a great love for plants and flowers. I remember the walks we took when he was little, he would spend so much time admiring all the pretty flowers and he still picks them for his mama and the dining table. Sania loves all the bugs, worms, lizards and frogs.

Mama and Sania resting under the banana palm